Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pray and Sign

Please sign this Petition! And pray for Fr. John Jenkin, President of Notre Dame. St. John Chrysostom said, “the floor of hell is carpeted with the skulls of priests.” I have also heard another saint(whose name escapes me) say that all of hell cringes when a priest commits mortal sin. Even though they incite the sin, the demons still have angelic intelligence and they know how repulsive a mortal sin from a consecrated soul is. Please pray for this priest. Even if it is one Hail Mary. Another saint(whose name also escapes me) said that saying one Hail Mary avails so much that it is worth 1,000 years of torments just to pray it.
Sorry tat I can never recall the names of saints. I have a photographic memory, but nothing ever develops;)

Article from Lifesitenews:
MANASSAS, Virginia, March 24, 2009 - As of Tuesday afternoon, over 75,000 signatures have poured into an online petition launched this past Friday by the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS). The petition opposes Notre Dame's honoring President Obama with an invitation to offer the commencement address and receive an honorary law degree on May 17.

CNS introduced the petition on a new website dedicated to the scandal,, almost immediately after the White House and Notre Dame's website simultaneously broke the news on Friday afternoon that Obama had accepted the invitation. Since then, the petition has gathered signatures at lightning speed, averaging 1,000 new signatures every 15 minutes.

"People are outraged, and the alumni of Notre Dame in particular are communicating to each other," CNS president Patrick J. Reilly said in an interview with today. Reilly noted that he recently spoke with a Notre Dame alumnus who said he "barely slept because all day yesterday, and much of the night, he was on email and on the phone with other alumni."

"It's amazing the outrage that we're seeing," he added.

Reilly said he did not expect such a large response. "We see outrages all the time, and I think this for many people was the last straw," he said. "The president has been waging a campaign of human destruction with his policies, and abortion, and stem-cell research, and now trying to eliminate conscience protections for healthcare workers.

"And in the meantime, Catholic institutions - in particular Catholic universities - have been very quick to abandon their Catholic mission for the sake of prestige. And this is probably the most prominent Catholic University hosting the most prominent leader of the Culture of Death."

Responding to Notre Dame president Fr. John Jenkin's statement that the invitation would stand, and was intended to recognize Obama's "accomplishments and leadership," Reilly referred to Notre Dame Bishop John D'Arcy's condemnation of the invite, which invoked a 2004 directive by U.S. bishops not to honor pro-abortion politicians. (To see the bishop's full statement, go to:

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