Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Joseph

Next to the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph is my favorite saint. He has helped me out big time. I said the Novena to St. Joseph a few years ago and his help was quick and enduring. The shorter Novena is also good, although not nearly as beautiful. Please take time to honor him today. This is a good place for help in doing so.

Pray for us, O holy Joseph,

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


  1. My patron saint , Saint Francis of "kindness to animals" fame???

  2. You do realize that he was also a huge lover of poverty?

  3. I am very fond of St Joseph too. My "personal" saint is St Rita of Cascia, the saint of lost causes. Exceptional woman!

    Bless you!
    /Bitte from Sweden
